About us

Chairman's Message

Building up a proper character depends mainly on two very important aspects: digging inside each and every one of us for the profound belief in God as well as the stimulation of the originally built-in traditions and cultures.


Our school was created with a dream to set the foundation for proper learning, hence preparing future leaders who will affect positively the society and upgrade our community.

Education in El Tawfikia Language School depends on making the best use of contemporary means of technology and techniques for the service of our students.


We hope that this technology will help them to reinforce their characters, turn them into adults capable of facing the future and prepare them to compete with the increasing level of world challenges and competitions among the developed world communities.


Our methods in El Tawfikia Language School depend on spotting the strengths of every individual character, promoting them, appreciating talents and rewarding every step taken forward towards success.


We do our best to convey our policy into practice and change our aims to actions. We believe that every child is a treasure of his own.


We encourage students to enjoy a democratic atmosphere, to share opinions and to strive to achieve their goals and accomplish their dreams.


Mr. Fathy Mahmoud Sabek